
 The Science of SuperSkin™

Why Rubber?

Your muscles have Elastin and Collagen in them. These large proteins store and release energy during plyometric movement.


rubber Fact

When Rubber is stretched it stores energy as potential energy.

Watching the rubber band below, we see Kinetic Energy’s effects as rubber takes flight.


The more rubber stretches, it increases the energy storage capacity.

*Weird, just like your body Some of the potential energy in the rubber is lost as heat. that’s why we don’t have a smooth energy transfer in the cycle.



Applied to SuperSkin® Omni Knee Orthosis:

Potential energy is stored in the rubber as the knee goes through flexion. All of the material anterior-perpendicular to the frontal plane contributes to the storage of potential energy, although to different degrees. Based on the slope of the material in series vertically along the frontal plane, reflect and rotate application for other planes of motion.


You can store Energy too!

Meet Your Internal Rubber*

Epi- , Per- & Endomysium

(TL/DR; GIF)The Epimysium, Perimysium, and Endomysium are connective tissues that form around and in between muscle cells to create the macro connective tissue structure of the muscle. Every muscle cell is surrounded by a thin layer of loose connective tissue (Endomysium), grouping muscle cells together to form a fascicle or bundle is (Perimysium). Finally, the (Epimysium) is the dense connective tissue that surrounds the entire muscle. It should be noted that these three layers run continuously through the muscle and extend beyond the ends of muscle cells to form the Tendons, which interdigitate with the Periostium, connective tissue that encapsulates each bone.


Plyometric Math

In the Hills Model of Plyometric Muscle contractions


Simply put, The concentric Muscle Component (MC) and the Series Elastic Component (SEC) combine to create the total tension applied to the joint. They must over come the (PEC) or the Passive Elastic Component in order to move the joint from flexion into extension.

For more info please fallow this link:

Basic Info: Hill's Muscle Model

or Google…


Single leg locomotion in the forward direction


The quadriceps are loaded during the landing phase of our single-leg jump. SuperSkin’s® anterior material is ready to back your series elastic component for forwarding locomotion.


The Muscular Component (MC) of the knee joint (quadriceps, hamstrings, groin, hip, and calf) musculature all take an eccentric load, during the landing phase.

The design of the SuperSkin® Omni Orthosis takes a stretch as well. Documented lower down, a <20% length change.

Along with the Series Elastic Component (SEC) mainly comprised of The Epi-, Peri- and Endo-mysium listed above.

Titin, an elastic molecule (the largest protein in the body) by molecular weight, part of every Sarcomere may play a part as well.

Google Titin and the Sarcomere…


The Body Uses The S.E.C. to Store Energy

More commonly talked about as the Stretch Shorting Cycle

*Consult your physician/doctor before you try any exercise. If the idea of jumping sounds inconceivable, SuperSkin® may not be right for you during this stage of your recovery.


Did you jump higher with 2 second hold or no hold?

Energy is lost as heat.

Google it…

Practical Example:

Squat Jump vs. squat jump w/hold at the bottom

  1. Start by taking a regular squat and jump

  2. Take a standing position, squat, hold the bottom of a squat for two seconds, a (four count), then jump.


So we used Rubber!

Now you need to stretch it!

About 90 Degrees of flexion get us a 20% increase in length from the superior aspect of medial quadriceps to the Tibial Tuberosity.

Look at my Skinny leg, For Proof


Extended Knee

(0 Degrees)


Bent Knee

(90 Degrees)


If you want to use the stretching rubber to store and use Energy, then it must stay in place. We invented friction bumps and used a form fitted design brand new sizing options based on body type and NOT binary gender, but the multilevel of body type; ectomorph, endomorph & mesomorph

See Products Page for Sizing INFO


How we can measure length change?

SuperSkin® is built with

1) Friction Bumps

2) Form Fitted design

3) Body Type Seizing (offering 30% more fits)

Friction Bumps In Action!

Below is showing the removal of the SuperSkin® Orthosis and how the friction bumps help it stay in place


All we have done is added more energy storage capability!

The recovering athlete benefits from the dynamic potential energy storage assistance provided by rubber. The assistance of potential energy, at the end of the range of motion is important because of the deficits created through injury at this juncture in the movement. The transition from eccentric to concentric muscle contractions.


Attention: *You have no rubber in your body. This is merely a comparison of the proteins and connective tissues that support your body through the Myofascial System. The Rubber that is in Superskin®, and recycled by DAZ Irish Duck, LLC, comes from trees. (watch this link from this kind little woman as she talks about rubber)